Monday 8 September 2008

keeping australia safe.

I heard a doozy the other day.

It goes like this.

A aeroplane buff was mad keen on all things to do with aircraft. He collected any and everything. Well one day the local RAAF base were having a garage sale and getting rid of for a better word JUNK.

Well our Mr. Buff toddled along and found a treasure. A Bomb bay door from a ex aeroplane. So he brings his find home cleans it up and mounts the thing on a plinth and plonks it in his front room.

And there it sits as a talking piece for about a dozen years. Eventually his beloved wife got the preverbials and said enough was enough and as they were redecorating well you can guess the rest.

He had to part with the Bomb bay door.

So how does one get rid of a bomb bay door. Advertise in the classifieds of course!

Then mum and dad are sleeping soundly in suberbia when there is an almighty crash at 3am.

and through a broken front door are Mr. Plod ASIO and company.

Where did you get that door?

From the flipping RAAF.


Now if you were a terrorist I guess you would have more sense than to advertise in the local paper. Have bomb bay door- need rest of plane for covert mission. (and for an extra $4.00 you can put in in a box with colour on page three for 3 saturdays in a row.)

What next?

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